Small steps...Taiwan journey

Small steps...Taiwan journey


This is the story of our lives, especially concerning adopting 3 siblings from Taiwan.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

fast and furious

The days are coming fast and furious now!! We spent Thursday making MANY arrangements; Friday we stopped by Han-han's to return something. One of the first things he did was go to his room and get a plastic bag with his sandals inside. He brought them out and ceremoniously plopped them in Tom's duffle bag. Huili, his caregiver, said he knows he's leaving and is counting the days. Saturday we left early to take the train to Taichung where he met the older kids for the first time. They were ALL over him from the first moment they met him. Mei-Yun was back to her old self, hugging and wanting to be held. It was a day of lots of tiger, chasing and feeding them like mama birds feed their babies. They really took to him; Tsung-lin sat on his lap for 15 minutes...first I've seen him do that. He loved dressing up like Superman, strong and powerful. They were really hyped, and my guess is that they've had very little roughhousing from an adult figure; they were plenty tough fighters!

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